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Friday, May 24, 2024 saw the first company visit organized by the GECAM executive.

The delegation, led by President Célestin Tawamba and Executive Director Aline Valérie Mbono, accompanied by a number of executives, set off at 09.10am from Bonanjo head office for the Bonamoussadi district, known as the Yorro-Joss crossroads.

At 09:34, the delegation reached its destination, and alighted at the Rach d’Or Food butcher shop, where Madam Carine EKA, General Manager of the company and member of the GECAM Board of Directors, was waiting.

The President’s interest was immediately aroused as soon as he entered the store. A question-and-answer session between the President and Mrs EKA lasted almost an hour. The aim was to get to the heart of the entrepreneurial realities experienced by the promoter of RACH D’OR FOOD: her business model, her vision, her objectives, but also and above all the difficulties encountered, and to suggest directions that will enable the company to grow and move from VSE to SME.


Rach d’or food is an agri-food company whose leitmotiv is to feed people because demand is so great. It operates in :

  • raising broiler chickens, rabbits, snails, growing plantain, some market garden produce;
  • charcuterie ;
  • catering;
  • marketing of food products.

The company intends to extend its services to duck breeding and foie gras processing.

Competitiveness – Value chain – Profitability.

Listening to the difficulties faced by the company, in particular human and financial resources (access to credit), the Chairman offered invaluable advice to the promoter of Rach d’Or Food. This included focusing on a precise value chain to be more competitive and achieve the profitability that will enable the company to grow and better tackle the diversification of its activities.

On a note of satisfaction, Mrs. EKA thanked GECAM for this company visit, which had given her a better vision of her company’s development.

This first company visit demonstrates GECAM’s determination to be closer to its members, whatever their size, and to work resolutely towards finding solutions to the difficulties they face.

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